Manoela Klein
model - Access Bars - Mindfulness
my biography
Hello, nice to meet you, my name is Manoela Klein. I am Brazilian and born in São Leopoldo, southern Brazil. At the age of 16 I went to live in São Paulo at the invitation of a modeling agency, that’s where my journey began. I already lived to work as a professional model in London, South Africa, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, but it was in the big apple, New York, that I chose to establish my base.
Pantene, Loreal, Anna Pegova, Conair, Revlon, Skin Ceuticals, Avon, Sony, Honda, Coca-Cola,Southwest Airlines, Marriot, JC Penney, Hanes, Macys, Nordstrom, are some of the brands I’ve worked with.
Access Bars is a gentle hands-on modality that was introduced by Gary Douglas in the early 1990s. The Bars® are 32 unique points on the head that correlate to different areas and aspects of life. During an Access Bars session, a practitioner gently touches these points to release the electromagnetic charge of all thoughts, ideas, attitudes, decisions, and beliefs that may have limited you in the concerned life areas.
Mindfulness. It’s a pretty straightforward word. It suggests that the mind is fully attending to what’s happening, to what you’re doing, to the space you’re moving through. That might seem trivial, except for the annoying fact that we so often veer from the matter at hand. Our mind takes flight, we lose touch with our body, and pretty soon we’re engrossed in obsessive thoughts about something that just happened or fretting about the future. And that makes us anxious.
Meditation begins and ends in the body. It involves taking the time to pay attention to where we are and what’s going on, and that starts with being aware of our body

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